pointer to an event (that will be triggered) with no description vague description that might be out of date And even with heavy googling you might still end up only with… So you have to go out of the game to google the effect. They have just some name and description that is in the form of flavor text. The topic is made even worse by the fact that there is very little information in the game what many of the focuses do. I do not enjoy at all the part where I have to remember what the focus tree contains. I'd like to dynamically assess the situation and react to that.
I personally came to HOI for that later part. The economy, production, division + equipment fine-tuning and actual warfare aspect of the game seems sometimes to be just on the background of all that. And thirdly execute this plan while timing your research with the said plan. Then secondly you should make a crystal clear plan in what order you are going to go through the tree (and what focus you are going to skip). It feels like the major challenge in the game is to firstly know by heart all the ins and outs of the focus tree of the country you are playing. Therefore I have started to dislike the focus trees and by some extent also the decisions.
I’m sure the focus trees are excellent roads for the AI to follow, but they are not that great for us humans. or at minimum make them contain full descriptions.